Data Preview: Note that by default the preview only displays up to 100 records. Use the pager to flip through more records or adjust the start and end fields to display the number of records you wish to see.
Standort 20140922 - 20141022
Zusätzliche Informationen
Feld | Wert |
mimetype | text/csv |
filesize | 3.62 KB |
resource type | file upload |
timestamp | Nov 03, 2014 | Resource Additional Info
Feld Wert
Lizenz (dct:license)
Checksum (MD5)
Sprache (dct:language)
Distributionsrechte (dct:rights)
Status (adms:status)
Verfügbarkeit (dcatde:plannedAvailability)
- Seitenaufrufe 20140922 - 20141022
- Besuchte Seiten 20140922 - 20141022
- Standort 20140922 - 20141022
- Betriebssystem 20140922 - 20141022
- Browser 20140922 - 20141022
- Mobil Geräte 20140922 - 20141022
- Alle Website Daten 20141023-20141122
- Alle Website Daten 20141201-20141231
- Alle Website Daten 20150101-20150131